
2014 NYS Partnerships in Employment Systems Change Stakeholder Survey

The New York State Partnerships in Employment (NYS PIE) is a Project of National Significance PNS aimed at addressing barriers to employment for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities IDD.

Funded by the Administration on Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities, the goal of NYS PIE is to enhance cross-systems collaborations and refine work readiness training to support improved employment outcomes for transition-aged students and young adults with IDD.

During the first two years of this project, stakeholders worked to identify barriers, strengths, and best practices in the provision of transition services to youth and young adults with disabilities.

The following survey is designed to help the project team to better understand progress made, lessons learned, and areas in need of additional attention. Please provide as much detail as possible and complete this survey no later than September 5th, 2014.

via 2014 NYS Partnerships in Employment Systems Change Stakeholder Survey.

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